Mastitis, often known as “blocked”, “plugged” or “clogged” ducts, is a common experience during the postpartum period, especially the early days. It comes with uncomfortable symptoms that impact your and your baby’s breastfeeding experience. Read more to understand what mastitis actually is and to learn how physiotherapy can help.
What can you do about mastitis symptoms?
Getting on top of symptoms right away can minimize your risk of progression from ductal narrowing to infection. For symptoms such as fever, tissue redness, pain or heat, see your GP to address any infection. Otherwise, your first line of contact should be a lactation consultant, your midwife, your Wellchild provider or Healthline.
Practicing some of these measures can act as prevention as well as treatments.
- Wear a supportive bra, avoiding underwire.
- Manage inflammation. Ice can be used hourly to address pain and inflammation. Anti-inflammatory drugs can be used as guided by a medical practitioner.
- Seek professional guidance on appropriate and effective pump usage.
- Feed your baby on demand. You don’t have to empty your breasts.
- Work with a lactation consultant to manage your milk production.
- Use antibiotics only as prescribed.
- Avoid deep massage. Aggressive tissue massage can result in tissue trauma, which can lead to additional inflammation in the area.
- See a physiotherapy trained in mastitis treatments.
Wait, did the last line say “see a physiotherapist?”
- Trained physiotherapists can help in several ways, including:
Therapeutic ultrasound. This treatment utilizes deep localized heat that can help open pathways and improve the flow of milk through ducts. - Lymphatic drainage. This is different from aggressive tissue massage. Lymphatic drainage is a gentle sweeping motion from the breast to the armpit that helps move some of the inflammatory fluids back into the lymphatic system.
- Lymphatic taping. Taping with Kinesio tape can support lymphatic drainage while also providing additional support for the breast tissue.
The postpartum period can be challenging, from managing mastitis, to urinary leakage, to constipation, to low back pain. Liberty pelvic health physiotherapists can help you on your journey. We offer appointments specifically to address mastitis, or for any of your postpartum concerns. Book in now for a mastitis or postpartum appointment.